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13 People Including Children Die in Stampedes In Nigeria At > 자유게시판

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13 People Including Children Die in Stampedes In Nigeria At

페이지 정보

작성자 Agnes
조회Hit 44회   작성일Date 24-12-23 22:51


ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) - A minimum of 13 people, consisting of 4 children, were eliminated in 2 different stampedes in Nigeria as big crowds gathered to gather food and clothes items distributed at annual Christmas occasions, the police stated Saturday.

The 2 accidents came days after another such stampede in Africa ´ s most populous nation, amid a growing trend by regional organizations, churches and individuals to arrange charity drive ahead of Christmas, as the country has problem with the worst cost-of-living crisis in a generation.

Ten people were killed in the first stampede in the early hours at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Maitama, an upmarket part of the capital, Abuja, police spokesman Josephine Adeh said in a declaration, including that more than 1,000 individuals have been left from the church.

There was a at one of the church gates, as dozens tried to go into the premises at around 4 a.m., hours before the gift products were to be shared, witnesses said, pointing out that some had actually been waiting considering that the previous night.

"The method they were hurrying to go into, some individuals were falling and a few of them were old," Loveth Inyang, a witness. Inyang stated he managed to rescue one infant as his mom struggled in the surge.

Three people passed away in a comparable crush later on in the southeastern Anambra state's Okija town at a charity occasion arranged by a philanthropist, the state authorities stated.

"The event had actually not even begun when the rush began," police spokesperson Tochukwu Ikenga said. There could be more deaths tape-recorded as officers investigate the incident, he said.

Viral video footage that seemed from the Abuja scene revealed lifeless bodies lying on the ground as people shouted for assistance. Some of the hurt have been dealt with and released while others continue to get treatment, police said.

The church canceled the charity event with bags of rice and clothing items still arranged within the premises.


As the church held a marital relationship ceremony after the crowd was evacuated, the pain and sadness stayed palpable even as families and friends collected for wedding event photos.

Nigeria's President Bola Tinubu expressed his sympathy with the victims' families and asked states and appropriate authorities to implement rigorous crowd control procedures.


The recent stampedes in Nigeria have raised questions about safety steps in such occasions. Several kids were killed on Wednesday this week when a regional foundation arranged a well-attended funfair to distribute present products and food to kids in southwestern Oyo state.

After the most recent disaster, the authorities in Abuja revealed that previous approval must be gotten before such fundraiser are arranged.


The present economic hardship under Nigerian President Bola Tinubu, who promised "renewed hope" when he was sworn into office in May 2023, is blamed on rising inflation that is at a 28-year high and the federal government ´ s financial policies that have actually pressed the local currency to tape-record low against the dollar.

Frustration over the cost-of-living crisis has actually resulted in mass demonstrations in recent months. In August, at least 20 people were shot dead and numerous others were jailed at protests requiring much better chances and tasks for youths.



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